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Code of Conduct

Muskegon County Fair Code of Conduct For Club Members, Parents and Leaders All youth, parents and leaders are expected to sign the following code of conduct form in order to participate in the Muskegon County Fair.  


Participants in the Open Show classes must also submit a signed Code of Conduct upon registration.


Club members, leaders and parents when participating or acting on behalf of the Muskegon County Fair, are expected to conduct themselves in accordance with accepted standards of social behavior, respect the rights of others, and to refrain from any conduct which may be injurious to the Muskegon County Fair.


The following actions and behaviors are PROHIBITED:

  • Disrespectful and/or unsportsmanlike behavior.

  • Profanity, vulgarity, lewd, indecent or obscene conduct and/or language.

  • Possession or the use of fire crackers, gun powder, firearms (except for firearms in youth authorized events), chemicals or other materials that can be used to create an explosive mixture.

  • Misuse of fire equipment or firearms.

  • Failure to have parental supervision overnight on the campgrounds.

  • Physical abuse or conduct which threatens or endangers the health, safety and/or well-being of any person or animal.

  • Theft or malicious damage to property.

  • Possession, use or distribution of alcohol or illegal drugs.

  • Unauthorized entry, use or occupancy of any facility.

  • Any conduct which threatens or interferes with the maintenance of appropriate order and discipline, or invades the rights of others.

  • Dishonesty in connection with any event by cheating or knowingly furnishing false information.

  • Obstruction or disruption of any event/activity or aiding and encouraging other persons to engage in such conduct.

  • Failure to comply with directions of Fair officials acting in the proper performance of their duties.

  • Failure to comply with horse and livestock check out procedures.

  • Failure to show up for barn duty, stall duty, or hall duty (inanimate division).


Failure to comply with any component of the Code of Conduct may result in:

  • Reduction in privileges at the Muskegon County Fair.

  • Removal from the Muskegon County Fairgrounds.  In the case of youth, the parent(s)/guardian(s) will be contacted to arrange transportation home.

  • Disqualification from all current fair events and possible future events.

  • In some cases, the proper law authorities will be contacted.

  • Other penalties may be determined by the Muskegon County Fair Committee.

  • Further, enforcement does not waive the Muskegon County Fair Board’s right to enforce penalties collectively at a later date under appropriate circumstances. 






Violations of rules in the code of conduct will be handled the following way.


1. Club members, leaders (Fair Superintendents, Fair Board members, Leaders, etc.) and /or parents compelled to bring a Code of Conduct violation complaint against a member(s) (including leaders and parents) will be required to sign a letter of violation complaint stating the reason and alleged grounds for registering the complaint. Complaints will be sent to members of the Muskegon County Fair Committee: • The Muskegon County Fair Club Participation Committee (President) • The Muskegon County 4-H Leaders Council (President) • The Muskegon County Horse Committee (Overall Superintendent) • The Muskegon County Livestock Committee (President) • The Fair Board Representative (President) • In the event a violation is submitted by one of the Muskegon County Fair Committee members or related to that member, that person is to be replaced by the Vice-president of the committee that is represented.


2. Any member(s) against whom a rules violation complaint has been filed will have the right to read the letter of complaint.


3. The Muskegon County Fair Committee will review the violation complaint, investigate the violation complaint and determine whether sufficient evidence exists to merit further action.


4. If further evidence exists to merit further action, the Muskegon County Fair Committee will determine and levy the appropriate penalty for the violation.


5. After the appropriate penalty has been given, the Muskegon County Fair Association will be notified.



Members/leaders have the right to appeal the levying of a rule(s) violation penalty or penalties according to the following process:

1. The member must request a hearing before the Muskegon County Fair Committee. Requests must be made in writing to a member of the Fair Committee. The meeting time and site location will be determined by the Muskegon County Fair Committee.

2. All parties involved will be notified.

3. All parties involved will have the right to present their case as to why he/she felt the penalty or penalties should be reconsidered.

4. All parties involved will be notified by Muskegon County Fair Committee regarding their decision on the appeal.

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