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Showmen of Showmen

The Showman of Showmen trophy isn't just about the meatiest sheep or the softest rabbit, it's the ultimate agricultural showdown! This prestigious award goes to the competitor who demonstrates mastery across all aspects of animal showing. The competition takes the grand champion showman from each livestock category (swine, rabbit, cattle, alpaca, poultry, etc.) and throws them a curveball. Each champion must showcase their skills not just with their specialty animal, but with every single livestock species featured at the fair! Imagine a pig showmanship expert confidently presenting a fluffy rabbit or a cattle champion expertly guiding an energetic alpaca. The Showman of Showmen is a true test of well-rounded ability, honoring the exhibitor who shines the brightest and proves their mastery over the entire barnyard bunch!

                                        SHOWMAN OF SHOWMEN DIVISION
                                             Tammy Anderson (231) 638-2416

1. Showman of Showmen participants will be the Grand Champion in their respected livestock division. You must show the first livestock division that you qualified for. If the Grand Champion is unable to participate then the Reserve Showman may participate in the competition.
2. Showmen participants must be 10 years of age as of January 1st of the current year. Showmen participants will wear the shirts provided by the Showman of Showmen Superintendent for the Showman of Showmen event.

3. The Showmen of Showmen show will be held on the Friday of fair. The Showmen will meet at the center show ring to start the judging.

4. The animals that will be shown is as follows: Horses, Dogs, Swine, Feeder Steers, Market Steers, Dairy Cattle, Sheep, Goats, Rabbits, Poultry, Alpaca/Llama, Cavy, and Cats.

5. Hand sanitizers will be provided for sanitation purposes.

6. Ribbons will be awarded by the placement of the judge; a traveling trophy will be awarded to the winner of the Showman of Showmen.

7. The showmen are responsible to learn how to show the other animals other than the division that they are representing. They are also expected to be able to answer any questions that the judge may ask.

8. A good attitude and sportsmanship are expected from all participants. Either in showing others how to show or on the day of the Show of Showmen competition.

9. In the event of insufficient show stock, certain species may be judged based on a written and/or verbal test.

10. All Showmen will be given their score cards after the show is completed and ribbons have been awarded.

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